Crowd Harvest: Tomatoes for Easter Amended
Crowd Harvest: Tomatoes for Easter
The Prime Minister has announced more levels of social isolation in the battle against COVID 19. We are now advised against going out in public unless it is for an essential service.
Any excess tomatoes can be dried, made into passatta sauce, chutney or treated as "sotto olio".
If then you find people near you are isolated in their homes and unable to go and get groceries, you will have a home abundance to share while they pass through self isolation. If you choose to do this, then please wear gloves and a gardening mask, to deliver, leave outside the door and alert the recipient to collect once you have left the premises.
There are Grow Free Carts in some communities. If you exit the home for essential services only, and one of these carts is on your route, you may like to leave some there for your community.
Please wear gloves and a mask if you choose to do this.
Please follow all government advisors in your jurisdictions.
Individual excess = Community abundance
During 2020, you may like to donate excess to a neighbour in need or unwell.
Please wear gloves and a filtered gardening mask while harvesting and delivering any donation in the 2020 season. Only do so if you are well, and have sufficient crop for yourself as we live as if on a wartime footing.
Stay well everyone!
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